Hulk is 8 weeks old! She loves to play. The sandbox is definitely her favorite place to be! Along with chasing the kiddos and her litter mates. She loves people and always wants to be the center of attention!
Hulk is 7 weeks old today! She is the best little playmate! She loves attention and people and is so easy to have fun with.
Hulk is going to be 6 weeks old tomorrow! She is weighing in at 4 pounds 12 ounces and she is full of fun! She loves to play and we love to play with her. Just 3 more weeks and she will finally get to meet her forever family!
5 weeks old! Only 4 more weeks until she is ready to go home! This sweet girl has been found by her forever family. They named her Hulk! "She'll be treated like a queen with a name fit for a King!" How cute is that?!?
At 4 weeks old, the puppies' personalities are really starting to shine! She is such a sweet girl! She moves to be cuddled and loved on. Sometimes she gets tired of being a dog and will fuss and fuss until we take her out of the puppy area and let her sit with us on the couch like real people do! She is a vocal girl and always makes sure her wants are known.
3 weeks old! All of the puppies are comparable to the size of a Coke can and starting to play with their litter mates. They are so fun to watch! This little girl is so pretty and her new family agrees! That's right, her forever family found her this week! Just 6 more weeks until she gets to go home.
It's been a busy couple days. All the puppies got their first manicure yesterday and their first taste of sunshine this afternoon!
This little girl has doubled her birth weight and is up to 23.4 ounces. She was the first one in her litter to open her eyes and is a very wiggly little girl. It looks like she is going to have a brown wavy coat!