Look at Miss Maisie Dobbs, sitting pretty like a big girl!
She looks so sweet toddling around the whelping box. Now that her eyes and ears are open, we'll be watching for personality tidbits we to share.
Miss Maisie Dobbs, two weeks old.
One Pound, Two Ounces. Gaining every day, but still the smallest puppy in the litter. Her smaller brother is two ounces larger than her and her biggest brother is exactly two pounds! :) The seal on her eyes is breaking, but we still have a few more days before we will truly be able to see those sweet little eyes! I suspect this little lady will be a cuddler!
She insisted on being all snuggled up against the wall and the blanket! It was a great first week of life for Miss 6, now Maisie Dobbs. She has a name, a wonderful family, and has doubled her birth weight! So many milestones! She remains the smallest pup in the litter and is doing fantastic. |
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