Miss Harper was treated like royalty at the vet today and she ate up all the love and attention everyone wanted to give her. I say it every week, but it holds true, she is such a sweet girl! She didn't fuss a single time during the entire exam and passed all her tests with flying colors. (Just like we knew she would!) She weighed in at 5.7 pounds, is continuing to do great with crate and house training and is all set to fly home on Sunday!
I cannot believe 7 weeks have already passed! Miss Harper is definitely the easiest pup in the litter. She is doing phenomenal with crate training, improving daily on house training, and loves attention! She is going to be a tough pup to let go, but we cannot wait for her family to meet her!
Harper has continued to have another great week! She is the sweetest little thing. Always giving puppy kisses, cuddles, and play!
She had a lot of fun this week. She was upgraded from puppy mush to dry dog food, got to splash around in some water puddles in the backyard, got a bath, a pedicure, and began the very earliest stages of house training! Tonight we will officially take on crate training. She is such an easy going girl, I expect her to catch on very quickly! Miss 6 had an extra big week! Puppy teeth started popping through, she added puppy food to her daily diet, gets to go outside to play and exercise a few times a day and best of all, she was found by her forever family... and she already has a name! She is officially Miss Harper!
Harper is such a sweet girl! Very easy going, seems to just kind of go with the flow, and is always ready to play or cuddle! It's hard to believe in just 3 short weeks, she'll be ready to head to her forever family. We are so excited for them to meet her. Miss 6 is growing fast and getting sweeter by the day. Her personality is starting to develop and she seems to be a pretty laid back girl. She cautiously takes on new situations and challenges, but quickly warms up and loves to cuddle- everyone- people, littermates and of course, her mama!
Miss 6 is doing great! She is crawling strong, learning how to play with her littermates, and is such a curious girl. It was so hard getting a good picture because she had no interest in holding still for me!
This precious baby can officially see! Her eyes are wide open and she looks even more beautiful than she did before!
Miss 6 is bound to be an athlete! She is so strong! She is crawling with her tummy off the ground, sitting up pretty well, and was constantly on the move during our quick photoshoot this morning! Her eyes are starting to open, so she is getting her first look at the world around her and she seems eager to explore! Over the next few days, her eyes will continue to fully open and her ears will follow. Then she will really be able to explore and experience the small world of the whelping box!
Miss 6 is doing absolutely wonderful! Consistently gaining weight every morning, lots of napping and lots of cuddling with her mom and litter mates! She is undeniably beautiful! We are looking forward to eyes and ears opening within the next few weeks!