![]() Miss Stella Jane is excited to announce we have puppies coming soon!
Our sweet girl is doing well. She is taking all the extra treats she can get, getting a cute round belly, and is just as playful as ever! My kids are a little sad the puppies wont be here in time for cute Valentine's Day photos... they had lots of fun ideas! So, we'll have to get creative and come up with some fun end of February/ beginning of March themed pictures when they arrive!
Merry Christmas from our crew to you...
As you can see, some of us are feeling a little more festive than others. Ha! Ha! No worries, Christmas dinner will make wearing the goofy hat for a picture worth the embarrassment for our two goofy grinches! Babies in a basket!Goodbyes have begun! Miss Maple and Miss Molly made their way home to their forever families. Ellie and Roxie are relishing in the extra attention. Sweet Sadie Jade didn't even seem to notice the two missing pups! Ha! Ha!
Kambrie has always been my biggest puppy lover! She loves to meet families, help take pictures, and participates in all of the cleaning, vet visiting, daily handling, and photographing. However, baby Baker is ready and willing to fill in whenever needed. He begged to join the puppies in the basket! And is always telling me when the puppies are being "so cute." It's been raining for over 24 hours straight... while this is not ideal for potty training little puppies, it sure is fun to explore!
It's been another busy week.
A quick cell phone picture of the pack relaxing to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before school!
And some after dinner playtime later in the day!
Tomorrow the pups head to the vet for their first round of vaccines. We're excited to show off how much they have grown to our wonderful vet, Week 7 is here! The weather has been beautiful, which has made potty training easier. IWe started crate training a few nights ago and it went super smooth! They slept together in one big crate without a fuss. We'll slowly start transitioning to single crates and really double down on house training!
Week Six is here!! Last week was full of adventures, learning, and exploring! We officially started house training basics. When they are this young, this looks like us predicting and watching for signs they need to go, taking them outside, and lots of praise when they take care of business outside. Soon we will also begin crate training where the pups will begin sleeping with a buddy in a crate overnight.
This morning the pups were introduced to the sandbox. It was so fun to watch what each pup gravitated towards first. Green wanted to smell EVERYTHING. Yellow laid down at first then moseyed around to check out the toys. Pink wasn't interested at all at first and just wanted to hop out and get back to the people, but once she had a buddy inside with her she did some exploring. Orange seemed to methodically sniff around and then stared up at us seemingly wondering what he was he supposed to do! Ha! Ha!
These four little girls are bringing lots of joy and smiles to our household these days! They are all so sweet, curious, and cuddly!
The puppies have learned the sound of the puppy food bag and get very excited when they hear the scooping sound of puppy food being put in their bowls. The pups have really enjoyed the warm fall we are having. They get so excited when we take them outside to play. Little personalities continue to emerge and we love every moment of getting to know them! This week, instead of weekly pictures, we decided to make a short video of each puppy so you can see them in action! Week 4 is about to begin! It's hard to believe these cuties are half way ready to meet their forever families.
Yesterday, the babies moved from the "puppy room" into the family room! Today, they got their first taste of dog food! They were all in a bit of food coma, which made the pictures extra easy! They were too sleepy to explore and almost everyone was caught on camera yawning! Ha! Ha! |