Miss 5 is doing fantastic!
She has grown so much, I couldn't wait the extra day to take pictures, so this weeks update is a little early. She is doing well sleeping in a crate with a buddy, always potties quickly when taken outside, and loves to pounce around on the taller grass! This week we will crack down on house training and transition to sleeping in the crate alone.
Kisses, cuddles, and belly rubs!
This girl is so, so sweet. It's hard to believe she'll be ready to head home in just two short weeks! I say it every week, but time is truly flying by. We are excited to begin house training and crate training this week! Miss Five is 5 weeks old... and she is thriving!
She loves to play, took to puppy food naturally, and loves her toys! She is equally great at playing chase and cuddling up close. Time is flying by! Miss 5 is a tail wagging, fun loving, happy girl. She is one of the most playful girls in the litter. She loves to pounce on her litter mates, chase the people, and bask in attention. She is so sweet and loves to give "kisses."
Kambrie refers to her as the "model puppy."
She sits and looks at the camera. She lays down and looks at the camera! Boom, Bing, Done! Good Work, Miss 5! Now that her eyes and ears are open, we look forward to watching her personality emerge. Miss 5 is two weeks old!
She weighs in at 1.10 ounces. Her eyes are just barely starting to open! In a few more days, she'll be able to see! Our first little lady had a great first week!
She doubled her birth weight and was the perfect little model for me. |
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