Miss Sophi was a model patient at the vet today! She sat pretty on the scale, didn't flinch during her shots, or make a single fuss during the entire exam! She weighed in at a healthy 5.4 ounces which is right in the middle of all the girl puppies in the litter. The vet declared her a sweet, healthy, girl... Which was no surprise to us, but always good to hear!
While she was a perfect patient for the vet today, she was not in the mood to model for me during our photoshoot! She insisted on being right on my feet or running away from the camera. Silly girl! She is continuing to do fantastic in the crate at night and is really doing an impressive job with house training. No poop accidents inside in a while and fewer pee every day! She is one smart cookie!
Sophi had another fantastic week! She is the perfect mix of laid back and playful. She loves toys, attention, cartoons, and cuddles! Her and my youngest daughter have become great buddies this week!
She is doing really good with her crate training and is getting better at the house training every day! Every week is a big week when your a growing pup, and this was no exception for Miss Sophi! She was upgraded from puppy mush to dry dog food, was given the chance to splash around in some water in the backyard, got a bathe and a pedicure, and grew sooooo much!
She is such a sweet girl, loves to play, and always wants to be with the people! We have started the very earliest stages of house training and will begin crate training tonight. So another big week of milestones is ahead of her. It has been a HUGE week for Miss 4! Teeth started rapidly popping through, puppy food became a part of her daily diet, she got to start playing and exercising outside daily, and best of all, she was found by her forever family and received a name! She is officially Miss Sophi!
We are so excited for this little love bug to meet her new family, and especially her new brother! She is the sweetest little girl, very easy going, loves to snuggle, a little cautious in new situations, but always seems to warm up fast! The weeks are flying by! Four weeks is flying by! This little lady has really grown this week. She loves to play and explore and cuddle up with people and her mama! She is quick to adjust to environments and just seems like such an easy going, happy go lucky, kind of girl! Of course, with a face this sweet, how could she not be?!
Miss 4 is growing fast and becoming stronger and more playful with each passing day. She is starting to spend short periods of time awake and playing with her littermates, crawling all over her mama, and thoroughly exploring the whelping box!
It's amazing the difference a week can make in a puppies life! Last week she was completely blind and deaf, today she is getting tiny glimpses of the world through peeking eyes. Over the next few days her eyes and ears will both be wide open! Her muscles will continue to strengthen and before long she'll be experiencing and exploring the small world of her whelping box!
Our masked beauty, Miss 4, is doing absolutely amazing! She is the biggest girl in the litter, taking full advantage of cuddles and snacks every chance she gets. She is so cute! We are looking forward to eyes and ears opening within the next few weeks!