Stotzi girl is doing great. She loves to eat, settles easily into her crate, and is an expert at the game of "chase." She discovered chew bones this week and is a big fan!
Maybe I'm biased, but these have to be the cutest pictures yet!
That middle picture, those puppy eyes-- heart melting!! Stotzi is doing great! She loves puppy food, playing outside, and games of chase. She is an active girl who loves to be outdoors, but also appreciates snuggles on the couch! We rotate one on one time with each puppy and this girl can never get enough! Mrs. Stotzi is four weeks old and doing great! It's so early, but she already seems so smart. She is very inquisitive. She loves toys and checking out new things. She was completely memorized by all the sights outdoors yesterday and has a similar reaction when we offer new toys or take her to new parts of the house.